Inglenook At Brighton


Hello Inglenook Extended Family, The safety, health and well-being of our residents and team members

remain our highest priority, and we will continue to monitor developments and further enhance our policies when things change.

Consistent with recommendations of and directives by federal, state and local regulatory agencies, we have trained and implemented appropriate infection and disease prevention protocols along with a number of other precautionary measures specifically tailored to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We are following recommendations and guidelines posted on:

We understand communication is imperative at this time. Please note the following changes and

appropriate contact information:

• We are now allowing indoor visitation at this time. And no longer require masks.

• Dining with family members is allowed, taking requests to accommodate.

• For urgent issues regarding medications or care-related questions or concerns, please contact our

Health & Wellness Director, Liz Medrano 303-659-4148.

• For all other questions, please contact our Business Office between the hours of 9-5 M-F and 9-3 Sat

and Sun. Outside of Business Office hours, you will be asked to leave a message and we will get back to

you as soon as possible.

Prior to entering, Team Members and visitors are screened for signs of a fever or other

indications of illness, and everyone is required to thoroughly wash or sanitize their hands. We continue

to closely monitor all residents and team members for signs and symptoms and immediately follow

recommended protocols to isolate or send home someone exhibiting ANY signs of illness. We will

continue to be vigilant and proactive. Thanks so much for your patience, understanding, and support in ensuring the health of your loved ones.


The team at Inglenook